"The artist’s mission is not to escape the world but to engage with it deeply, to make something meaningful of the suffering and joy that we experience. Art, in this sense, is a form of grace—it is where we meet God, in the act of creation." 

—James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time

My work is driven by curiosity, fueled by faith, rooted in prayer. I have no interest in illustration or documentation. I'm after an understanding of the human condition. Human beings are capable of incomprehensible goodness, unfathomable evil, and endless varieties of love and joy, pain and suffering.

This behavior is not always conventionally beautiful but is endlessly fascinating. As a follower of Jesus, I believe every person is made 'in the image of God,' yet our hearts are 'deceitful above all things, and beyond cure.' We are a mass of contradictions.

Through my lens, I am drawn to the unnoticed moments of everyday life—often the busiest moments here in NYC—where the complexity, ambiguity, and contradiction of the human experience shine through. In the streets of New York, I'm fascinated by the endlessly creative ways people from all over the world navigate the city, and their lives, with courage, joy, love, and grace.

-Daniel Flahiff, 2025


Oregon Documentary Film Festival, Best Short Doc [2024]

Telly Awards, Silver (X2) [2024]

Oregon Short Film Festival, Best Micro Doc [2024]

Telly Awards, Gold [2023]

Anthem Awards, Bronze [2023]

AVA Digital Awards, Gold [2023]

International Design Awards, Gold [2023]

Viddy Awards, Platinum (x2) [2022]

MarCom Awards, Gold [2022]

The Davey Awards, Gold (X2) [2022]

Hermes Creative Awards, Platinum [2022]

Muse Creative Award, Silver [2022]


425 Magazine, Seattle P-I, Modern Art Notes


LaCrosse Action Film Festival, LaCrosse, WI [2024]

Fresh Coast Film Festival, Marquette, MI [2024]

Oregon Documentary Film Festival, Portland, OR [2024]

New York Indie Shorts, New York, NY [2024]

Movie Crush, Walla Walla, WA [2024]

Daddying Film Festival, Philadelphia, PA [2024]

Hollywood Short Film Festival, Hollywood, CA [2024]

New Hope Film Festival, New Hope, PA [2024]

Frozen River Film Festival, Winona, MN [2024]

Oregon Short Film Festival, Portland, OR [2023]

Cannes Indy Short Film Festival, Cannes, France [2023]

“Long Shot,” Photo Center NW, Seattle, WA [2011]

“Power to the Poster,” The New BLK, Omaha, NE [2010]

“CitizenGallery,” Power to the Poster, Match Factory Project [2009]

“Snap to Grid,” LACDA, Los Angeles, CA [2007]

“Bleeding Hearts,” Gallery OK, OK Hotel, Seattle, WA [2007]

“Conflux,” Glowlab via Free Press, Brooklyn, NY [2006]

“Labyrinth,” Botkyrka Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden [2006]

“Free Press,” Röda Sten, Göteborg, Sweden [2006]

“Menlo Park,” Gallery OK, OK Hotel, Seattle, WA [2006]

“International Experimental Cinema Exposition,” Telluride, CO [2000]

“Transmission/Reception,” The Pilot Space, Auckland, New Zealand [1997]

“Territorial Motif,” Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia [1997]

“IMFA,” California State University, Los Angeles, CA [1996]

“Society,” feat. Dietrich Diedrichson, Three Day Weekend, Los Angeles, CA [1995]

“Early Thaw: Paintings,” School of Visual Concepts, Seattle, WA [1993]

“Pacific Northwest Annual Exhibition, Bellevue Arts Museum, Bellevue, WA [1992]

“33rd Magnolia Juried Exhibition,” Magnolia, WA [1992]

“Eclectic as the Day is Long,” Wonderful World of Art, Seattle, WA [1992]

“Mercer Island 24th Juried Exhibition,” Mercer Island, WA [1991]